Facial aging around the eyes starts to develop early in the mid- to late thirties with excess skin, crow’s feet, and lower eyelid bags for some. Aging continues through the 40s and 50s. This process makes the focal point of the face appear tired. Correction of those tired eyes through blepharoplasty (eyelid) surgery is a very common plastic surgery procedure. Not looking so tired is the main reason why patients consider blepharoplasty surgery.
Blepharoplasty (eyelid tucks) can make a significant difference in reversing that tired aged appearance since it is the focal point of many human interactions. Removing a little excess skin and fat can really clean up your eyes and make you look less tired and more vibrant, making a blepharoplasty the best value of all the facial aging procedures. It causes the greatest positive change in your appearance.
One of the more interesting things about blepharoplasty is that there is little discomfort. Yes, there is some noticeable swelling and bruising around the eyes but remarkably, there is usually no pain. Recovery is relatively easy. For some patients, they are not concerned about their appearance and they are out in public again in 3 to 5 days. Full return to the public eye may be closer to 7 to 10 days for a more conservative patient.
In 10 – 14 days, you will look ‘non-operated’, even though there is still some small amount of swelling and perhaps some line of bruising along the lower eyelid. By 3 weeks after surgery, you will be able to enjoy the full benefits of your blepharoplasty surgery! You will look more refreshed and that will undoubtedly be noticed…even though your co-workers and friends will never figure that it was due to eyelid surgery.