Breast Implants
Dr. L. Scott Ennis is listed as one of the best plastic surgeons for saline and silicone gel breast implants in Boca Raton, FL.
Dr. Ennis is a silicone gel and saline breast implant expert. Call 561-405-9020 or book a consultation.
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Breast Implant Rippling
Breast Implants
Boca Raton, Florida
Breast implant consultations are available with Dr. Ennis in Palm Beach at the Ennis Plastic Surgery location in Boca Raton. Virtual consults via FaceTime or Skype are a popular option for out-of-town patients and even local residents that do not have the time in their busy schedule to come in for an appointment right away.
Experience a Breast Implant Consultation with Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Ennis
To book a consultation click here or call 561-405-9020.
To learn about silicone gel (gummy bear) and saline breast implants, please read the guide below or contact Ennis Plastic Surgery at 561-405-9020 to book a consultation or ask us a question. We are here to help you get the look you desire.
Breast Implant Construction
Breast implants follow a similar makeup, regardless of the type or size you choose. Implants are made of an outer shell and internal filling. The shell is made of a silicone elastomer material and is filled with a material to give volume and density. Depending on the type of implant, the filling material may be:
1. Saline
2. Silicone
Breast Implant Shape
Generally, breast implants are either round or anatomic (tear drop). Round implants are by far the most popular shape used in breast augmentation, primarily because if the implant rotates, the shape of the breast is not affected. However, with a tear drop implant, rotation can cause an unnatural breast shape. The tear drop implants have a vertical axis, with a clear top and bottom. This allows for full volume at the base of the breast, closely resembling the natural breast shape.
Breast Implant Profile
Another component to consider when choosing a breast implant is the profile. The profile describes how far out from the chest wall the breast will protrude. You see this best from the side and is termed “projection.” Generally there are three profiles offering varying degrees of projection.

- Moderate offers a conservative projection and has a round shape and wide base
- Moderate Plus combines a higher profile with a wide base
- High Profile offers what one might consider a voluptuous profile due to its high profile and narrow base
Breast Implant Sizes Explained by Dr. L. Scott Ennis
Breast augmentation surgery combines medical science and art, creating a beautiful breast profile. In order to best determine implant sizing, it is important that women relay a realistic and honest expectation to the surgeon.
A photo or surgical example is an excellent way to convey a desired breast size. In addition, using the Vectra 3D imaging system, women able to “try on” different breast implants with varying sizes and understand how it will impact their body. This gives the best indication of expected and realistic outcomes before undergoing surgery.
To book a consultation click here or call 561-405-9020.
Breast Implant Types
There are two primary types of breast implants, Saline and Silicone Gel.

1. Saline Implants
Saline is a fluid that resembles much of the fluid that naturally occurs in our bodies. Saline is a salt-water solution often used in the medical setting for cleaning wounds and during intravenous administration of medications.
The outer shell of the saline breast implant is made up of a silicone elastomer and is filled with the saline solution for breast volume. A silicone shell holds a specific volume of saline. They arrive from the manufacturer without saline but filled with air. Once the saline breast implants are properly in place, the air is released and is replaced with saline.
There are two distinct advantages when choosing saline breast implants:
- If there is a rupture, it is noticeable and the body absorbs the fluid without health risk
- The complication rate is lower with saline breast implants, specifically with capsular contracture which can be 2-3 times higher with silicone implants
2. Silicone Gel Implants
Silicone is made from a naturally occurring element called silicon. This material is found in sand, quartz and rock and is an abundant element found within the earth’s crust. Silicon forms silicone when it combines with oxygen, carbon and hydrogen.
Silicone can be produced into a variety of forms, such as gels, oils and solids. It is widely used in everyday products such as moisturizers, lotions, and beauty products. Silicone coatings are also used extensively in the medical field in the form of catheters, artificial joints, and implants. They have been extensively researched and have been found to be compatible with human tissues, reliable and flexible.
What is a Silicone Breast Implant made of?
A silicone breast implant is comprised of a silicone elastomer shell that is filled with a thick silicone gel. The gel consistency is similar to a thick gelatin that sticks together. This creates a breast implant that feels more similar to natural breast tissue. Dr. Ennis believes silicone implants are 10%-15% softer than saline implants, offering a more natural result for most patients.

3. Gummy Bear Implants (Memory Shape)
One type of silicone implant is called a gummy bear implant, or form stable implant. These implants keep their shape, even when the shell breaks. The consistency within these implants is thicker and firmer but are designed to be more stable and less likely to break. Gummy bear implants have a density that feels like a gummy bear treat. They are shaped with more projection at the bottom and tapered at the top, simulating a natural breast form.
To book a consultation click here or call 561-405-9020.
Breast Implant Shells: Smooth or Textured
When implants are placed inside the breast, the body’s natural reaction is to form scar tissue around the implant.
- Textured breast implants create a Velcro effect within the breast, as the surrounding scar tissue adheres to the shell. The adherence of scar tissue holds the implant in place. For this reason, tear drop implants must be textured, to prevent rotation within the breast.
- Smooth breast implants are softer than textured implants and typically feel more natural. Smooth implants typically cause less visible rippling and have been shown to have lower rates of leakage. Smooth implants are most commonly used with round shaped implants. Round, smooth implants have more movement within the breast pocket, which tends to give more natural looking results.
Breast Implant Safety and Failure
Breast implants cannot be expected to last a lifetime. Therefore, it is important to follow up with your surgeon regularly to assess the shape and integrity of the implants. Breast implants have been extensively studied over the last thirty years and are one of the most highly studied medical devices. Both saline and silicone breast implants have FDA approval for breast augmentation.
Breast implant failure occurs when the implant shell breaks, causing leakage into the implant pocket. If a saline breast implant leaks, the implant will collapse and the saline will leak into the breast. Because saline is a naturally occurring fluid in the body, it will be absorbed and naturally excreted from the body. Saline implants are FDA approved for women age 18 and older.
When a silicone breast implant leaks, the implant will not collapse, because the material is thicker and cohesive. The silicone gel may remain within the implant shell or it may leak into the implant pocket. Because it is difficult to know for sure if a silicone implant fails, it is important to follow up with the plastic surgeon regularly. The surgeon will perform regular MRI or ultrasound screenings to assess the breast implants. The FDA has approved silicone implants for women age 22 and older.
Surgeon’s Expertise and Clinical Guidance
All of the information regarding the various breast implant shapes, sizes, and textures can seem overwhelming. The good news is that a breast augmentation always begins with a consultation. In the consultation, women are able to ask all questions and review concerns. The experience and expertise of Dr. Ennis serves the client well to choose the most appropriate implant for the desired results.
The Ennis Plastic Surgery Difference
At Ennis Plastic Surgery in Palm Beach, you can be confident that we offer the most up to date implants and surgical techniques. The breast surgeon is an expert in the field of breast implants. In addition to surgical skill, you can be confident that the surgeon is up to date in the aspects of implant safety. Dr. Ennis is happy to discuss all aspects of breast implants during the consultation.