Breast Lift Before and After Photos
Actual patients of Ennis Plastic Surgery in Boca Raton, FL.

Mastopexy with Breast Implant Removal
Mastopexy and saline breast implant removal on a 31 year old patient

Mastopexy with Breast Implant Removal
Mastopexy and saline breast implant removal on a 31 year old patient

Mastopexy with Breast Implant Removal
Mastopexy and saline breast implant removal on a 31 year old patient

Mastopexy with Breast Implant Removal
Mastopexy and saline breast implant removal on a 31 year old patient

48 year old African American female came to Dr. Ennis with skin laxity in her abdomen and he performed an Abdominoplasty.

Implant Exchange / Mastopexy
48 year old African American female with a Implant Exchange for right breast deflation from saline to silicone with a Mastopexy.

Implant Exchange / Mastopexy
48 year old African American female with a Implant Exchange for right breast deflation from saline to silicone with a Mastopexy.

Mastopexy / Implant Removal
To correct for breast asymmetry and skin laxity, this patient had a mastopexy and the removal of previously placed implants.

Mastopexy / Implant Removal
To correct for breast asymmetry and skin laxity, this patient had a mastopexy and the removal of previously placed implants.

Mastopexy / Breast Implant Removal
Mastopexy and Breast Implant Removal on a 56 year old patient.

Mastopexy / Breast Implant Removal
Mastopexy and Breast Implant Removal on a 56 year old patient.

Mastopexy / Breast Implant Removal
Mastopexy and Breast Implant Removal on a 56 year old patient.

Tummy Tuck, Breast Augmentation
Abdominoplasty and Bilateral Endoscopic Breast Augmentation with Moderate Profile Silicone R470, L440

Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift

Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift

Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift

Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation after massive weight loss
Abdominoplasty, Bilateral Mastopexy with Bilateral Breast Augmentation Silicone High Profile R700, L750

Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation after massive weight loss
Abdominoplasty, Bilateral Mastopexy with Bilateral Breast Augmentation Silicone High Profile R700, L750

Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation after massive weight loss
Abdominoplasty, Bilateral Mastopexy with Bilateral Breast Augmentation Silicone High Profile R700, L750

Arm Lift, Breast Lift, Tummy Tuck

Arm Lift, Breast Lift, and Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty, Liposuction of Hips, Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation
Abdominoplasty, Liposuction of Hips, Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation with Silicone Moderate Plus R300, L250

23yof 5'7" 125 Left Breast Lift, Bilateral Breast Augmentation for correction of Asymmetry R475 L425 HP gel

23yof 5'7" 125 Left Breast Lift, Bilateral Breast Augmentation for correction of Asymmetry R475 L425 HP gel

43yo 5'9" 155lb 34C Abdominoplasty / Tummy tuck and Breast Augmentation with Lift / mastopexy - Mentor HP gel R550 L500

43yo 5'5" 152lbs 36C Breast Lift - Bilateral Mastopexy

55yo 5'3" 161lb 36D Breast Lift Bilateral Mastopexy

56yo 5'7" 190lb 40DD Breast Lift - Bilateral Mastopexy

31yo 5'4" 144lb Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation for correction of breast and chest wall asymmetry Mentor Moderate Plus Gel L475 R400

40yo 5'6" 140lb Breast Lift - Bilateral Mastopexy with silicone gel Augmentation - Sientra MPlus Gel L435 R485

39yo 5'3" 135lb 36DD Breast Lift Bilateral Mastopexy with silicone gel Implants after massive weight loss Moderate Plus Gel R475 L425

43yo 5'5" 132lb 34D Breast Lift / Bilateral Mastopexy with silicone gel Implants after massive weight loss Moderate Plus Gel R475 L425 Before and After Ennis Plastic Surgery Palm Beach Boca Raton Destin Miami 552941

44yo 5'5"122lb Breast Lift - Bilateral Mastopexy with silicone gel Implants after massive weight loss. Moderate Plus Gel R450 L400

50yo 5'6" 157lb Breast Lift Bilateral with Augmentation after massive weight loss Mentor ModPlus Gel R450 L500

41yo 5'4" 155lb Bilateral Mastopexy, Bilateral Breast Implant Exchange Silicone Moderate Plus L285, R300

61yo 5'1" 158lb 38DD Breast Lift / Mastopexy abdominoplasty tummy tuck

47 yo 5'8" 125 lbs Breast Lift secondary mastopexy with implant exchange and capsulorrhaphy

47yo 5'2" 133lb 34DD Secondary Breast Lift, Breast Implant Exchange to high profile silicone

32yof 5'3" Mommy Makeover - Breast Lift secondary Mastopexy, Abdominoplasty, lipo of hips and back

32yof 5'3" Mommy Makeover - Breast Lift secondary Mastopexy, Abdominoplasty, lipo of hips and back

Breast Lift, Bilateral Breast Implant Exchange

Breast Lift with Bilateral Implant Exchange

Breast Lift / Mastopexy

Breast implant removal with Breast Lift

Breast Lift

Breast Lift

Breast Lift

Breast Lift

Breast Lift, Tummy Tuck

Breast Lift, Tummy Tuck

Breast Lift

Breast Lift

Breast Lift

Breast Lift / reduction

Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation
Bilateral Mastopexy with Bilateral Breast Augmentation Silicone

Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation
Bilateral Mastopexy with Bilateral Breast Augmentation Silicone

Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation
Bilateral Mastopexy with Bilateral Breast Augmentation Silicone

Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation
Bilateral Mastopexy with Bilateral Breast Augmentation Silicone

Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation
Bilateral Mastopexy with Bilateral Breast Augmentation Silicone

Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation
Bilateral Mastopexy with Bilateral Breast Augmentation with Silicone

Secondary Mastopexy Revision
Secondary mastopexy revision. Reminder that these scars are 3 months old, they will fade nicely over 1 year.

Secondary Mastopexy Revision
Secondary mastopexy revision. Reminder that these scars are 3 months old, they will fade nicely over 1 year.

Secondary Mastopexy Revision
Secondary mastopexy revision. Reminder that these scars are 3 months old, they will fade nicely over 1 year.

Secondary Mastopexy Revision
Secondary mastopexy revision. Reminder that these scars are 3 months old, they will fade nicely over 1 year.

Secondary Mastopexy Revision
Secondary mastopexy revision. Reminder that these scars are 3 months old, they will fade nicely over 1 year.

Secondary Mastopexy Revision
Secondary mastopexy revision. Reminder that these scars are 3 months old, they will fade nicely over 1 year.