La Liposucción Cara Antes y Después
Extraer con precisión la grasa indeseable que se acumula desde el cuello hasta debajo de la barbilla.

Liposuction Neck
This patient underwent liposuction of the neck.

Liposuction Neck
This patient underwent liposuction of the neck.

Liposuction of the neck with Mini-facelift

Liposuction of the neck with Mini-facelift

Liposuction of the neck with Mini-facelift

Kybella to the Neck
32 year old woman who underwent 2 treatments of Kybella to the Neck

32 yof 2 treatments of Kybella to the Neck

32 yof 2 treatments of Kybella to the Neck

32 yof 2 treatments of Kybella to the Neck

Liposuction Neck

Liposuction Neck

Liposuction of Neck

Liposuction of Neck