Kybella to Remove a Double Chin
Boca Raton, Palm Beach Florida
New products about which extravagant claims are made seldom live up to their press releases – and then there’s the new drug: KYBELLA. It’s changing the field of facial and cosmetic surgery, treating a problem which bothers more adults than not, but for which there has been little treatment to offer. In April, 2015, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved the new drug for the treatment of submental fat (double chin).
KYBELLA is identical to deoxycholic acid, a substance the body produces naturally, to aid in the digestion of fats consumed in the diet. Kybella is a “cytolytic” drug that destroys the structure of cells. Prior to Kybella, facial liposuction was the only treatment available for double chins.
To book a consultation click here or call 561-405-9020.
Get to know Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Ennis
Is a Double Chin Common?
Submental fullness is a common, but rarely treated, aesthetic condition. It affects both men and women, influenced by aging, weight gain, and genetics. Unfortunately, diet, exercise, and weight may not be enough.
The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery (ASDA), in 2014, conducted a consumer survey. They reported that 68 percent of adults said that they were bothered by fatty fullness under the chin – as bothered as they were by lines and wrinkles under and around the eyes.
To learn about Kybella, please read the guide below or contact Ennis Plastic Surgery at 561-405-9020 to book a consultation or ask us a question. We are here to help you get the look you desire.
Kybella at Ennis Plastic Surgery
Scott Ennis, MD, FACS, plastic surgeon, as well as the founder and Medical Director of the Ennis Plastic Surgery, describes the Kybella process. It starts with the most important appointment, your initial consultation. Dr. Ennis stresses that careful patient selection is essential for achieving the desired results. He will determine if the procedure is suitable for you, and may discuss other treatment options. Dr. Ennis will explain the Kybella double chin treatment process, tell you what you can (and cannot) expect, review potential side effects, and answer any questions you may have about the procedure.
For patient comfort, a topical or injectable local anesthetic is administered to the region for treatment. Dr. Ennis uses a surgical marking pen to draw a grid on the skin, which serves as a guide for the intended injections. Each square in the grid is injected with 0.2mL of Kybella, up to a total of 10mL per treatment session (up to 50 injections per appointment), spaced 1 cm apart. Each course of treatment consists of four to six visits, with at least a month between sessions. Patients begin to see the desired results after the first session, but may require two to four sessions for optimal results.
Kybella Photos (before & after)
Actual Patients of Dr. Ennis
View all Kybella before and after photos.
Candidate for Kybella
Although Kybella is approved for ages 18 – 65 years, not everyone in that age group is a candidate for successful treatment. Elasticity of the skin is essential for achieving the desired results. It’s a common misconception that the drug works by tightening the skin. Kybella exerts its effects on the fat cells under the skin, but the skin must be elastic enough to retract and adapt to cover a lesser volume of underlying fat. Some people lose elasticity in their skin long before age 65 years. Some others retain elasticity in their skin long after age 65 years, and are good candidates for the procedure.
Although Kybella decreases the number of fat cells under the chin, if a patient gains weight, the cells which remain can expand to accommodate more fat in each cell, recreating the double chin. Because Kybella is new, it remains to be seen what long-term results and effects, if any, can be expected.
Kybella is not the treatment of choice for people seeking quick results. For many patients who want to improve their appearance for an upcoming special event, liposuction is the treatment of choice. It can produce the desired results in about two months, not the four months for optimal results typical with Kybella.
Kybella Certified Dr. Ennis
Equally as important as patient selection are the physician’s skill and experience. Dr. Ennis states that the Kybella manufacturer is the first company, in his experience, to require physicians to participate in the company’s training specific to administration of Kybella. Dr. Ennis was among the few physicians in the country selected by the manufacturer for its earliest training workshop.
To book a consultation click here or call 561-405-9020.
Kybella at Ennis Plastic Surgery
Our team of coordinators ensure that you have a pleasant, relaxing, and seamless experience from the moment you contact us. It’s an oasis, away from the heat and hectic pace of life in Boca Raton. Enjoy your own private oasis in the heart of Boca Raton.
We are excited to have the opportunity to contribute to that outcome. If you are interested in discussing how Kybella can impact your physical appearance, please contact us to set up a consultation.
Actual Patient of Dr. Ennis