Cellulite Treatment
Boca Raton, Palm Beach Florida
Cellulite is a common condition of a bumpy, uneven appearance of the skin, most commonly in the areas of the thighs, buttocks or abdomen. The uneven appearance is a result of displaced and trapped fat cells within and above fibrous connective tissue bands within the skin. The result is compressed and hardened skin, with impaired circulation and lymphatic flow. Some people refer to cellulite as “cottage cheese” skin, and oftentimes it is a source of self-conscious awareness. Ennis Plastic Surgery offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical procedures to for cellulite treatment, cellulite removal and cellulite prevention.
Get to know Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Ennis
To learn about cellulite, please read the guide below or contact Ennis Plastic Surgery at 561-405-9020 to book a consultation or ask us a question. We are here to help you get the look you desire.
To book a consultation click here or call 561-405-9020.
Cellulite is most commonly found in women, as women have a higher fat percentage as compared to men (which is needed for reproduction). Even though cellulite is made of fat cells, it is not associated with obesity. Cellulite can occur in thin and overweight individuals. There’s no definite explanation for why cellulite occurs. The dimpling can be hereditary or due to living a less than healthy lifestyle. Hormonal imbalances and age-related weight changes can also impact the appearance of cellulite. It typically affects women on the pelvic, lower limb and abdomen regions. Cellulite occurs in women of all ages, but tends to be more visible with age. In time, the skin loses thickness and elasticity, enhancing the visibility of cellulite bumps.
While maintaining a healthy lifestyle regular exercise and a nutritious diet is important, it may not be enough to rid the appearance of dimples and cellulite around the body. Cellulite is a structural skin change that occurs in most women post puberty, regardless of their weight. It presents as a change of skin appearance, evident by dimpling of the skin and uneven contours.
Fortunately, at Ennis Plastic Surgery, we are pleased to offer credible and reliable solutions for cellulite treatment. The treatments options reliably target cellulite ridden trouble spots and deliver results! Most treatment options address cellulite by targeting skin tone, tightening skin, promoting lymphatic drainage and removing fat cells. Cellulite treatment at Ennis Plastic Surgery is performed with energy based procedures including VelaShape III, UltraShape and Thermage.
Cellulite treatments performed at Ennis Plastic Surgery target common cellulite problem areas including:
- Thighs and inner/outer legs
- Abdomen
- Buttocks
The ideal candidate cellulite treatment procedures are individuals looking to improve the smoothness and general appearance of a trouble spot of his or her body. Most patients are also looking to improve moderate laxity of skin, body contours, and smooth any irregularity in fat distribution.
Non-surgical, Energy based treatment options for Cellulite
VelaShape III
The VelaShape III treatment is a non-invasive body shaping system that combines three different energy technologies with therapeutic massage in order to reshape and contour the body. The combination of these energies causes deep heating of the fat cells, fibrous connective tissues and stimulates collagen fibers and local cellular metabolism. The three energy forms include: infrared (IR) heat, bi-polar radio frequency (RF) and mechanical tissue manipulation with pulsed vacuum and massage rollers.
The VelaShape III treatment heats the treatment area evenly and quickly without skin damage. The treatment is able to combat adipose tissue, by shrinking the size of the fat cells. The radio frequency works below the dermis layer of skin, heating the fatty adipose tissue and shrinking the fat cells. The infrared heat penetrates to the dermis layer, stimulating collagen production. The new collagen production brings about smoother, firmer and tighter skin.
How Velashape III Works
The heating source is delivered in a comfortable and consistent manner, with the help of vacuum pressure, gently pulling the treatment area closer to the heat source. The combination of vacuum, IR and RF causes deep heating of the fat cells, their surrounding connective tissue, and the dermal collagen fibers. Together, these energies shrink the fat cells, soften the connective tissue and stimulate new collagen for better elasticity and resilience. This reduces the appearance of cellulite in the treated area. The result is a localized reduction in skin laxity, increased volume and an overall improvement in skin structure and texture.
VelaShape III treatments are typically performed once a week, for a minimum of three treatments. The treatment duration can last between 10-40 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area. Results can be seen as early as 1 week from the first treatment, but optimal results are obtained after several sessions. Patients are pleased to find that the treatment is pain-free, and it does not require any anesthesia. Patients can expect to experience a gentle, warm heat with a comfortable massage. VelaShape is the only FDA cleared non-invasive treatment to reduce the appearance of cellulite while reducing body circumference. In addition it is approved for all skin types.
VelaShape Brochure & Infographic
Click link to view the VelaShape III Patient Brochure PDF.
Click link to view the VelaShape Infographic
UltraShape gets its name from the ultrasound waves it uses to “shape” your body into a more proportioned, trim silhouette. UltraShape is truly the ultimate treatment for body contouring. Focused ultrasound destroys fat cells and is clinically proven to result in a measurable reduction in waist circumference. Ultrasound energy disrupts subcutaneous adipose (fat) tissue ONLY, not blood vessels or nerves. There’s no bruising, swelling or numbing – all well-known side effects of other fat reduction equipment. Without the adverse side effects, the procedure is incredibly comfortable, proven effective and you can leave your appointment and not skip a beat going about the rest of your day!
How UltraShape Works
UltraShape utilizes focused ultrasound to destroy fat cells and reduce body circumference. Ultrasound is a safe and effective energy form that utilizes sound wave energy, set to a specific frequency. The focused sound waves are pulsed into the stored fat cells, mechanically disrupting their cell membranes. Inside the fat cells, the fat exists as triglycerides. When the fat cell membrane is broken via ultrasound, the triglycerides are naturally released and eventually metabolized to the liver. The liver processes these fatty molecules, using them for energy and then eliminating* them naturally.
With this process, the fat cells are removed* from the body after the UltraShape treatment. Therefore long lasting results are achieved. Because the ultrasound waves are so focused, the other body structures are not harmed and there is no bruising or numbness. UltraShape utilizes 3D mapping during the session to ensure uniform delivery and contour regularity.
The UltraShape treatments are typically delivered once every two weeks to allow the body to naturally eliminate* the destroyed fat cells between sessions. The typical dosing of treatments is three sessions, spaced two weeks apart. One session takes approximately 45 minutes. Measureable and permanent* results are noticeable after two weeks.
Because fat cells are permanently* disrupted and destroyed, you will see long-lasting results without the need for further maintenance treatments. Of course, to prevent the accumulation of new fat cells, it is important to follow a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and exercise.
To book a consultation click here or call 561-405-9020.
Thermage Skin Tightening & Collagen Production
Thermage is a non-invasive energy based treatment that targets skin smoothing and rejuvenation. Thermage utilizes high radiofrequency energy to target the body’s own natural renewal mechanisms. The applications combines heat energy to target deeper layers and cooling energy to protect the surface of the skin and ensure comfort.
The radiofrequency energy induces skin tightening and formation of collagen. The remodeling of collagen smooths wrinkles, tightens loose skin and improves the appearance of cellulite. Treatment areas typically include the abdomen, buttocks, upper arms and thighs.
With Thermage®, only one treatment is needed. A treatment for larger body areas may take about 90 minutes. Treatments are done in the office, and there is no need for anesthesia. Use of Thermage CPT technology improves your comfort by producing a gentle vibration during treatment. Treatment also includes short burst of cooling to keep you comfortable. After your procedure, you may notice some minor improvement, but maximal improvement occurs over the next three to six months, as your body generates new collagen, smoothing your skin.
What to Expect with Cellulite Treatments
All patients who are interested in cellulite treatment procedures will start the process with an individualized consultation. Here, the patient will have the opportunity to discuss concerns and goals for treatment. The cosmetic surgeon or medical provider can discuss all forms of treatment and determine which type of treatment or combination of treatments is best indicated. For individuals who choose to utilize energy based treatments for body contouring, there is really no down time. The treatments are comfortable and the results continue to improve with time.
To book a consultation click here or call 561-405-9020.
The Ennis Plastic Surgery Difference
Ennis Plastic Surgery is proud to offer the highest standard in energy based technology treatments, utilizing Syneron Candela equipment.
If you are ready to see how Ennis Plastic Surgery can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite on your body, please contact us to set up a consultation today.
Actual Patient of Dr. Ennis